Tuesday, April 8, 2008

And.....we're back

I still have a couple more blog posts to make, but I start at the end here. We are home. After 32+ hours of traveling, one late flight, one missed flight, one missing piece of luggage, and two unanticipated connecting flights later, we walked in our back door and were attacked by a yowling, delirious cat. Everyone was a zombie by 7pm (which would be 3am adjusted to SA time) and collapsed into bed. Regretfully, my body also thought that at 2am (or 9am in SA) that it was time to arise. /yawn So, here I sit.

Will update with the remainder of the trip's events later, but for now suffice to say that we have returned home and are in mostly one piece. And the best news of all? back to instant internet...yay!


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