Saturday, March 29, 2008

Treasures from the sea

In conjunction with yesterday’s post about beach glass, I have composed a pictorial of some of the interesting things we have pulled from the sea. The beach we are on still has lots and lots of shells that wash up. Mostly in pieces, but there are a few that are intact and/or of fascinating shapes. My nephew Joel is not prejudiced and loves all of them. He’s picked up bags of all different kinds.

Some of Joel’s selections:

A few that I’ve picked up:

Mary’s (mostly) whole pumpkin shell:

The beautiful nautilus shell Ouma pulled from the sea, and gave to us to bring home:

Some of the beach glass I’ve collected over the last couple of days, and a pottery shard to boot!

The “sea horse” I found washed up this morning:

And the pièce de résistance Auntie Cindy fished out of the sea. A stunning silk sari! What an unexpected prize! There was a lively debate about whether it washed up from somewhere in Durban (which has a large Indian population) or if it crossed the sea from Indian, or Madagascar:

Who knows what will turn up next!?


1 comment:

Ninjin said...

That pumpkin shell is great! Better than anything *I've* ever found on the beach ^^;;