Monday, February 4, 2008

Our Previous Trip - 2005

On our previous trip we did a bunch of traveling. Durban, Empangeni, Johannesburg and Bloemfontein...all in three weeks!

We visited Aunty Cookie and Uncle Owen in Bloemfontein. They had lots of chickens that chased us all over the place!

We stayed at the Salt Rock hotel. Calib, Cindy and Ouma stayed with us, but poor Calib was sick with tick-bit fever the whole time :(

We celebrated Seth's first Birthday at Charlie and Mary's house in Johannesburg.

-- Savannah and Grant

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude! Bloemfontein is not the same as that little dorpie town your family stayed in. It's so small, I can't even recall the name!